John 14:6 (KJV)

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

The way, the truth and the life. Wow! What a proclamation! In that powerful statement, Jesus declared Himself to be the answer to three greatest questions of the human heart.

How can I be saved?
“I am the way.”
How can I be sure?
“I am the truth.”
How can I be satisfied?
“I am the life.”

    Let’s look at these three powerful statements and why Jesus said them. Let’s begin with our first point:

    The Way

    1 Timothy 2:5

    For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

    When we say “mediator,” it means a go-between, a middleman, a reconciler. He came to be the bridge to open the way again so that we could have fellowship with God. He came so He could lead the way back to God again.

    If we go back to our main text in John 14:6, notice the article in the grammar. The article used is “the.” This means that Christ is talking about specific way, the only way! He is not just another way. He is not one of the many ways. He is THE only way to restore our communion with God! And that is very significant.

    Now, let’s look at the second statement of Jesus in our main text again in John 14:6. Is Jesus being the only way, also the truth?

    The Truth

    I have people told me, “Christ being the only way, might be fine for you. I am sure that really helps you where you are.” I even hear people whom I witnessed telling me they don’t believe it and they are at the age where they know what they know and don’t need any further input from me. And then they smile with an accommodating smile that says, “I don’t believe it.” In other words, they don’t think there’s truth to what I’m sharing. People find it hard to believe that there is only one way to heaven. There are so many rituals in every religion. They cannot accept that the only way to heaven is Christ. To most people, there must be other options. God must be considerate to exempt and accept certain efforts.

    But I tell you, the principle of coming to God through Christ is designed and planned by God, Himself, and it cannot be violated. You cannot change it. I cannot change it. Nobody can! You might say with all your heart “I don’t believe it” but it won’t change the fact. It won’t affect the way to God. It’s still the truth. The only difference is, you won’t have life because you did not believe this way and this truth.

    Not every religion and every faith are right as long as you are sincere. It doesn’t work like that. It’s not about what you WANT to believe, it’s about what you NEED to believe. Christianity is the most inclusive but also the most exclusive thing on Earth. Let’s take a look.

    Christianity is inclusive.
    Anyone who wants to come may come. It doesn’t matter what religion you came from.

    Christianity is exclusive.
    Those that do not believe in Jesus Christ will not have everlasting life! While this verse offers hope and comfort to the Christian, for non-believers, it can be a message of judgment and condemnation.

    True Christianity is exclusive in our beliefs, which requires rejection of other beliefs. It is difficult to call oneself a Christian without accepting the exclusive nature of its truth. When Jesus said He is the way, that is our exclusive way. When Jesus said that He is the truth, we know that He is the exclusive truth. When Jesus said that He is life, we believe He is the exclusive giver of life.

    Lastly, let’s look at the last “I am” in our key verse.

    The Life

    Jesus is the absolute opposite of death! Jesus is THE life! In the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), when he came back from that far country, the Bible says that his father said, “my son was dead, and is alive again!” Well, his son wasn’t dead, wasn’t he? And his father had no reason to believe that he was dead. The prodigal son being dead here was not talking about his physical life. It was referring to the fact that while the son was in a far country, he was dead to his family. The relationship was broken. Isn’t the same when someone broke our trust, we say “that person is dead to me…” He was dead to his older brother, dead to his father, dead to all the joys from being part of his family. He was dead to them all! But when he came back, he was alive again. When he repented – he asked for forgiveness – their relationship was restored. He was lost and is now found!

    That’s what Jesus Christ is telling us. If we come to Him, we will come alive to God in the place where we were dead toward Him, toward God. The Bible teaches us that the part of us that is dead toward God, becomes alive when we meet Christ!

    I want to end this message by declaring that I know I’m going to heaven when my appointed time has come. I say this with all humility because I did not earn this. It was by God’s grace alone. Thank God He sent Jesus to save me. I can say this because I accepted Christ as my Lord and personal Saviour. He is my way, He is my truth and He is my life! I hope you can also say the same.