He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.
Luke 16:10 (KJV)
The word “faithful” means devoted, unwavering, trustworthy, sure, and true.
Faithful in little, faithful in much.
True faithfulness knows no distinction between great and small duties. Faithfulness in small duties is even greater than faithfulness in great. Faithfulness in that which is least is the preparation for, and secures our having, a wider sphere in which to obey God. (1 Corinthians 4:2)
Steward is defined as the house arranger, manager, or manager of life. In other words, as a steward, God wants us to make your life count. (1 Corinthians 9:26-27) The word “castaway” means worthless, unapproved, or rejected.
Be Faithful in Living for Christ
- A life of desire (Philippians 3:10, Psalm 42:1-2)
One of the highest objects of desire in the mind of the Christian should be to know Christ. - A life of dedication
- A life of denial (Galatians 2:20)
- A life of determination (Daniel 1:8)
Be Faithful in Loving Christ
- Reason for loving (1 John 4:19, Romans 5:8)
- Result of love
- Love will obey – willing to go, live and give. (Luke 5:5, John 2:5)
- Love will honour and respect. (John 14:15)
- Love will follow. (Luke 5:11)
- Love will sacrifice. (John 3:16 is the greatest example of sacrifice)
Be Faithful in Learning of Christ
- Learn His will. (Joshua 22:5, Mark 12:30)
- Love His word. (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 119:105, Hebrews 4:12, John 15:7)
- Learn His way. (Matthew 11:39)
- Learn His obedience to the Father. (Luke 11:2)
- Learn His obedience to God’s mission. (Matthew 26:39, Philippians 2:8)
Be Faithful in Looking for Christ (Psalm 105:4, Proverbs 8:17, Isaiah 55:6)
Let’s look for His coming. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)
The more faithful we live for Christ,
the more we will love Christ.
The more we love Christ,
the more we will want to learn of Christ.
The more we learn of Christ,
the more we will look for Christ.