Proverbs 6:6 (KJV)

Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:

Throughout the Bible, God uses the animal and insect kingdom to speak to man.  He uses the ox and the ass in Isaiah 1:3. He uses a rooster in the Gospels.  He uses a donkey in Numbers to speak to Balaam. Therefore, here in Proverbs, God mentions several special members of the animal kingdom and each one is a divine sermon.

Ants are mentioned twice in the Old Testament in Proverbs 6:6 and Proverb 30:25. The ant’s wisdom is especially alluded to being exceedingly wise.

Consider the Ant’s Diligence

Ants never stop working. They’re busy. They’re diligent. They’re always on a mission. They’ve always got a job to do. They’re thinking about their responsibilities. (Proverbs 13:4)

Sometimes you still have to work when you don’t want to. Sometimes you have to be diligent and you have to be busy even when you don’t feel like it.

Consider the Ant’s Determination                   

Ants can carry between 5 to 20 times their body weight. Did you know that ants can climb over anything? There is nothing an ant can’t get over. (Philippians 4:13)

Consider the Ant’s Dealings

Ants are called social insects because they live and work in groups. Ants are amazing; they work together in small or they work together in large groups to move things that are too heavy for them to carry by themselves. (Galatians 6:2)

God wants us to look at the way they interact with one another and God wants us to interact that way with each other.

Consider the Ant’s Diet

Sweet materials are preferred by most ants. They like sweet stuff. There is nothing sweeter to man than the Word of God! (Psalm 19:10)

Consider the Ant’s Defense

Ants have what is known as “compound eyes.” Flies, too, have a compound eye which is why it’s hard to slap one of them when they’re sitting at your table. (1 Peter 5:8)

Did you know that all ants are able to defend themselves? Upon insertion of the sting the ant will inject a form of poison that will kill or paralyze its prey or enemy. Though these effects may not work on larger animals, the pain from several strings is enough to send the animal running. (James 4:7)

God has given each and every one of us the power and the ability to fight and to defend ourselves defend our families and be protected from the devil.