For neither did his brethren believe in him.
John 7:5 (KJV)
One of the greatest challenges of a believer is winning their lost family members to Christ. You have been saved, God has radically changed you and delivered you from a life of addictions and horrible sin. He delivered you from unbelievable ungodly life patterns. You have experienced a new life full of joy, hope, and purpose. Your entire world view has changed, you have changed, everything has changed. One thing that hasn’t changed is your family.
Now, you have a burden to reach them. You cry over them and poured out tears. You are earnestly praying for them and invite them to church – all to no avail. But you are not alone.
This has been the cross that many of God’s people had to bear for thousands of years. Jesus clearly taught that there would be division in the households of His followers. (Matthew 10:34-38)
The heart of the problem is not the change in your lifestyle. It’s not the change of your spending habits. The problem now is that you love somebody more than your own family. You love God, you love Jesus more than you love your own blood family.
The History of Lost Loved Ones
It goes all the way back to the very first family the very first home in the Scriptures that was torn apart by differences over God and the will of God.
Illustration 1: Abel and Cain
The first home in the Bible was torn apart by differences over God and His will.Abel trusted God and worshipped Him in spirit and in truth. the way God wanted him to. Cain brought his insufficient and unbiblical works and tried to earn his way and impress God with the fruits of his labor and the bible saysGod accepted Abel and rejected Cain.
The very first family the very first set of siblings that we find in the bible there was division over one’s faith in God and the other one’s rejection of God. As a result of this, Cain literally became the poster child for false religion.
Illustration 2: Jacob and Esau
The Bible says that Esau “despised” his birthright. Esau was the eldest and he was entitled to the birthright. But he came from the field and was hungry and he sold his birthright for a bowl of soup a bowl of pottage that his brother Jacob made. Then Jacob deceived his brother Esau went to his father pretended to be Esau to get the blessing and his birthright.
This was an outright rejection of the spiritual implications and blessings associated with it. In other words, Esau chose temporal and carnal things over eternal, spiritual things. As a result, God accepted Jacob and rejected Esau. Esau rejected God, and God rejected Esau. Esau became the example of fleshly rejection of God.
Illustration 3: Joseph and his siblings
Joseph had a heart for God and walked with God, and he was a man of character he was a man of integrity but his brothers were evil. (Genesis 37:2) God blessed Joseph with dreams. God revealed Himself to Joseph in personal way. As a result, his brothers hated him even more for telling it. Joseph’s brothers were known for their fierce revenge.
When we get to the New Testament, we discover one of the most perplexing illustrations of all of lost loved ones – the brothers of Jesus Christ did not believe on him.
The Hurt of Lost Loved Ones
His Unique Childhood
His brothers saw him for 30 years before He ever started His earthly ministry.He was perfect; without sin; not one single flaw, fault or failure in His life. He never did one thing wrong. He was perfect in every way. How could they still not believe after 30 years of living a perfect life in front of them?
His Astounding Confirmations
- John the Baptist was his cousin, and he knew who Jesus was. (John 1:29-34)He had witnessed supernatural, divine confirmations at the baptism of Jesus.He had seen the dove come down. He had heard the audible voice of God. (John 1:34)John declared that he saw and bare record that this is the Son of God.
- Jesus turned the water into wine. (John 2)
- He performed many miracles. (John 2:23)
- He healed the nobleman’s son. (John 4:46-54)
- He healed the impotent man. (John 5:9)
- He fed the 5,000. (John 6:1-14)
- He walked on water. (John 6:15-21)
Then we get to John 7:5, His brothers still don’t believe in Him!
His Abundant Converts
There were people everywhere getting saved. There were people everywhere putting their faith in Him and the Bible says they believed in Him.
- Nathaniel (John 1:49)
- The disciples (John 2:11)
- Many (John 2:23)
- The woman at the well (John 4:29)
- Many of the Samaritans (John 4:39)
- Many more (John 4:41)
- The Galileans received Him (John 4:45)
- The Nobleman and his whole house (John 4:53)
His brothers lived with him for 30 years and saw all these miracles. But in John 7:5, they are still not saved!
The Hope for Lost Loved Ones
Be persistent in your compassion
Do not stop witnessing, sowing seed, watering the seed, warning, loving, praying for them and most importantly, telling them about what God is doing for you. Be persistent!
Be pure in your conversation
Our lost loved ones will be watching and observing us. They are looking whether or not your life matches what you say with your mouth. If we want to win our lost loved ones to Christ, we have to live a pure lifestyle and a pure conversation coupled with reverential fear of God.
Be prayerful in your concern
Over and over again Apostle Paul emphasized the importance of prayer when it came to evangelizing the lost.Pray that God will give you the boldness so that when opportunity comes, you will be ready to share the Gospel with them.
Eventually, at some point, the brothers of Jesus believed. Some believe it was only after the resurrection. (1 Corinthians 15:7) If Jesus did not see His own brethren saved during His earthly ministry, don’t get discouraged. Keep praying. Keep living right. Keep witnessing and sowing seed. God is able to help you win your lost loved ones.