According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.
Philippians 1:20 (KJV)
Paul was not a man that gave first-class dedication to secondary causes. He was a man that gave first-class dedication to a first-class cause. Paul was a man with a faith in focus. The concentration of his life was on the supernal or heavenly and the dedication of his life was for the eternal. He had fixed in his heart on what the heart should be fixed. The objective for which he lived became the object on which he looked.
Life with him was the secondary consideration. The main thing was to stand up everywhere as the advocate of the gospel, to maintain its truth, and to exhibit its spirit.
The Dread/Fear of His Life Was That Christ Would Be Dishonored
- The shame that could be brought on his life. (1 Corinthians 9:26-27)
- The shame that would be brought on his Lord. (2 Samuel 11:27)
- Our pursuit ought to be that of Psalm 119:11.
- Our prayer ought to be that of Psalm 119:37.
- Our purpose ought to be that of Psalm 119:80.
The Determination of His Life Was That Christ Would Be Declared
Constantly preach Christ in as many places as he could.
- Preach by your lives and preach from the Word.
- Preach by your singing, that souls may be stirred.
- Preach the Gospel and not men’s views.
- Preach with the unction the Holy Spirit imparts.
- Preach to touch lives and melt cold hearts.
- Preach only Christ, the Savior of men. Tell how He died and lived again.
- Preach the pure Gospel, so true and so tried.
- Preach every moment until life’s race is run.
- Preach until in Heaven you hear His “well done.”
Courageously present Christ to as many people as he could.
The Desire of His Life Was That Christ Would Be Displayed
A life that exalts Christ
He didn’t want to be admired, He wanted Christ to be adored. He didn’t want people complimenting him, he wanted people captivated with Christ.
A life that exhibits Christ
He wanted Christ to be visible and vocal through his life. He wanted Christ to be realized and actualized in his life.