He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly.
Proverbs 2:7 (KJV)

He that walketh uprightly walketh surely: but he that perverteth his ways shall be known.
Proverbs 10:9 (KJV)

He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
Proverbs 13:20 (KJV)

When we accept Christ, we begin our effort at walking with God. And while walking, he give us peace in walking. How?


  1. Promises of Security
    God provides help and protection for those who are who live righteous and honest living. “Blameless walk” here does not mean never sins or falls. It means someone who has genuine integrity about their life and lifestyle. The Christian walk is much like riding a bicycle, we are either moving forward or falling off. (Proverbs 10:9)
  2. People’s Security (Deuteronomy 28:9-14)
    It does matter how we all walk! (2 Chronicles 7:14)
  3. Personal Security (Daniel 3:24-29)
    Talk about walking with God; talk about spiritual soundness; and talk about courage. Their spiritual steadfastness and walk with God now guaranteed their apparent demise. They would not walk away from God, even when facing the heat. The fire had not stopped their walking with God. In fact, it only illuminated it to the eyes of the ungodly king and the others. When we walk with God, it shows best when the heat is on us. We can be personally secure in our walk with God – in fire, or drowning under circumstances beyond our control but never beyond God’s control.


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  1. Pathways (Isaiah 35:8-10)
    God works in our lives this way. He marks out pathways for only His children to travel on to give them support when they are fearful and frightened over the enemy attacking them as they walk.
  2. Power  (Isaiah 40:28-31)
    The word “but” contrasts this natural strength with those whose walk and life shows hope in God. “They have unusual strength!”
  3. Peace (Isaiah 42:5-6)
    God promises to hold our hand when we walk in paths of righteousness. What greater peace could we hope for than to know that no matter what we come to as we walk through life that God is there holding our hand literally!


  1. Stretching in the midst of panic (Matthew 14:25-32 – Peter walking on water)
    God didn’t call me to find fulfillment in the quantity of my work for Him, but in the quality of my walk with Him. Don’t panic when that sinking feeling hits. Reach out to Jesus and you’ll stay on top.
  2. Stretching in His presence (Luke 24:13-28 – Road to Emmaus)
    Jesus stretches their faith by teaching them from the Word of God all about Jesus’ necessary death to save them, far from abandoning them. Jesus’ death and resurrection had guaranteed them His presence in a far more dynamic way. God is present with us in our deepest trials. Though we don’t always sense His presence, you can be sure He is there. You just don’t recognize Him sometimes, He’s still there walking with you!
  3. Stretching in what may seem pitiful (John 5:5-15 – Cripple at Pool of Bethesda)
    This is still true: Jesus is willing to heal old wounds. But we have to be willing to stand up to them and then begin to walk a new walk and lifestyle.
  4. Poverty (Acts 3:6-10 – Peter and John at the Temple)
    We need to break out of the “I need” mentality and think more “What can I give?” If there are a thousand steps between us and God, he will take all but one. He will leave the final one for us. The choice is ours. (Acts 3:8-9)

Walking with God gives us His peace (security), His power (support) and His process (stretching) that will help us become mature and strong. Walking with God will not always be easy or without pain.