Our Former Pastor, Dr. Donald J. Stone, and His Wife, LuJean
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Our former pastor, Dr. Donald J. Stone, was born and reared in Sweetwater, Texas, USA, where he married his wife, LuJean. He served as a missionary and pastor until his death in 2017.

LuJean Stone served faithfully with her husband wherever the Lord called them. She was in charge of the Sunday School programme for the church and personally writes most of the lessons.

The Stone’s ministry was in many parts of the world including six different states in the USA and several foreign countries.

A few days ago, Don’s eyes seemed fixed on something far away from those of us in the room. A smile that seemed to tickle the corners of his mouth slowly brightened across his face as he began to whisper so softly I had to place my ear at the opening of his mouth.

“It is real,” he whispered. “It is really, really real. Heaven is real.”

“Do you see heaven?” I gently asked. “Yes,” He whispered… “It is so beautiful. I want to go.”

“Yes, darling,” I replied.

“But, I want YOU to come with me,” he whispered.

“I will be okay. You go first. I will be coming before long,” I assured him.

At 12:24 this noon time,he did just that. He left his body of pain and went on alone into that beautiful city where there is no more pain, no more sorrow, or suffering.

Goodbye, my love, I will see you again before long.

LuJean Stone, 15 November 2017
On Sunday, 10 December 2017, a celebration of his life was held for Dr. Donald J. Stone.

To God be the glory! Great things He hath done.
So loved He the world that He gave us his Son.
Who yielded His life an atonement for sin.
And opened the life gate that all may go in.
Great things He hath taught us;
Great things He hath done.
And great our rejoicing through Jesus, the Son.
But purer and higher and greater will be
Our wonder, our transport when Jesus we see.